Individual Membership

Just as sports is necessary for a healthy body, brain exercises are necessary for a healthy brain. Make these exercises a part of your lives since they evaluate and develop your cognitive skills. Keep track of your performance and development in each category and game.

Family Membership

Discover the cognitive skills, similarities and differences of all your family members. Support your children in accordance with their skills. Help those who have passed middle ages to stay mentally strong and keep their brains young.

Corporate Membership

The success of corporations depends on the success of its employees. Those who have high perceptions, think well, make fast and accurate decisions, and whose problem-solving skills are developed play a critical role in the success of the places they work for. Brainquire will assist you in supporting and monitoring the cognitive skills of your employees.

School Membership

Our future is shaped at schools. Individuals who make the greatest contribution to the society and humanity are those who wonder, question, make fast and accurate decisions, look at problems from different angles, and think of new and creative solutions. Brainquire is a suitable platform to evaluate students’ cognitive skills, determine their superior sides as well as sides that need improvement, provide the necessary support and guidance, and monitor throughout their education lives.

✓ Number of User Access Determined by the School
✓ Unlimited Access to All the Games
✓ Individualized Exercise Program
✓ Individual and Class Performance Monitoring
✓ Out-of-School Access Opportunity
✓ Flexibility on Access Period
✓ Possibility of Limiting Access and Gaming Periods

Why Brainquire School Membership?

✓ All the games on the platform have been developed by professionals and academicians who are experts in their fields in order to ensure achievement of the outcomes that will contribute to the students’ academic, social and future professional lives.
✓ Through the Brainquire Artificial Intelligence Algorithm, students are provided with individualized exercises in accordance with their development expectations.
✓ While students continue their development with entertaining games, teachers and the guidance service can monitor the development of students either individually or collectively.
✓ With an English language option, Brainquire assists the language learning processes of students.
✓ The time students spend on Brainquire as well as the particular games they play can be determined by the School Administration and these games can be limited.
✓ Data obtained through Brainquire can be used in empowering the educations of students; it can provide a foresight in order to conduct additional studies to support the strengths and weaknesses determined.

School Dashboard

Through the School Control Board, a school administrator can easily control the membership management and user monitoring.

Administrators can monitor the school and the teachers can monitor the students in their classes and receive detailed development reports. Students’ individual development can be monitored through the School Control Board with quantitative and graphical statistics.


Membership fees may differ by country. Please check the Brainquire app for current fees. Please contact us for School and Corporate Membership options.


  • Personalized Exercises
  • Access to All Games
  • Detailed Statistic Reports
  • Dynamic Reporting Features


  • Personalized Exercises
  • Access to All Games
  • Detailed Statistic Reports
  • Dynamic Reporting Features


  • Up to 5 People
  • Personalized Exercises
  • Access to All Games
  • Detailed Statistic Reports
  • Dynamic Reporting Features


  • Up to 5 People
  • Personalized Exercises
  • Access to All Games
  • Detailed Statistic Reports
  • Dynamic Reporting Features